stephanie alexander kitchen garden program

The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program commenced at Wonga Park PS in 2014. The program is run for students in Level 3 and 4 with kitchen and garden classes alternating fortnightly.

The program was established by Stephanie Alexander, a well-known Melbourne chef, and is now in operation in over 1,000 Australian schools. The aim of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program is to introduce pleasurable food education into as many Australian primary schools as possible. 

The Kitchen Garden Program emphasises the flavours as well as the health benefits of fresh, seasonal food. Dishes cooked reflect the vegetables, herbs and fruits grown, season-by-season, by the children in their organic gardens.

The Program is designed to be fully integrated into the primary school curriculum, as it offers infinite possibilities to reinforce literacy, numeracy, science, cultural studies and all aspects of environmental sustainability. In addition, the Program delivers observable social benefits to all students, including those with special needs.

More information on the program is available on the SAKGF website or via the school. If you would like the opportunity to enjoy the rewards of volunteering in the program, please contact Kitchen/Garden Specialist, Jenny Kelly by emailing or call the school on 9722 1325.

Meanwhile, keep an eye on our kitchen and garden for yummy recipes, produce and dishes.